Laura’s the fruit fairy from South Germany who fell in love with nature at an early age and regularly goes for forest walks and hikes. She is a passionate healthy lifestyle and food blogger who loves to discover the world and has already lived abroad in the UK, Serbia and China!

Tell us about yourself!

I was born in Stuttgart (South Germany) but I’ve already lived in many other places. My current hometown is Düsseldorf but I have also been a temporary resident in London, Belgrade and Suzhou (China). Right now I am in Bali for a month which is much too short but I have to go back to university in April. ;) 

When did you start food blogging on Instagram and what inspired you to start?

I have always loved food (don’t we all??) and I also enjoyed helping my mum cook healthy food when I was a kid. I’ve also always liked computers and phones so I guess two of my passions just merged right there. It just happened when I discovered Instagram: I started posting pictures of my food and fell in love with the supportive community!

How long have you been vegan and what lead you to this lifestyle?

This year I will have my 4-year vegan anniversary. I was inspired by vegans on Instagram. So I guess my message for ya’ll is not to underestimate the power of your voice! Even if you have just a few hundred followers you might inspire someone who will, in turn, inspire hundreds of more people to choose a more conscious lifestyle!

You are a passionate traveller! Tell us about the last place you visited and a dish you ate there that you enjoyed.

As I write this I am sitting in a Warung (traditional restaurant) in Bali. The food here is alright but the durian I had this morning was the bomb! When I travel I always enjoy the local fruits more than any national dish. 

Your food creations are breath-taking! Sometimes we think they could be art pieces!! Where did you learn all your cooking and food skills?

Instagram, lots of practice and a book called "food photography“ by Corinna Gissemann. But mainly passion and hundreds of hours of practice.

Where do you source your inspiration for your recipes from?

Instagram and products that companies send to me.

What does a weekend breakfast look like for you?

A huge pancake stack with lots of berries, banana, chocolate date caramel and tons of nut butter. Or creamy vanilla or chocolate porridge if I’m too lazy for pancakes.

If you had to live off one ingredient for the rest of your life what would it be?

Perfectly ripe papayas.

When your not food blogging, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I love to spend time with close friends and family, ideally outside. Walking, hiking, swimming and cycling are my favourite outdoor activities. In the cold season, I spend most of my free time in the gym (about an hour per day).

You serve up some pretty amazing dishes in our Coconut Bowls! What has been your favourite so far?

Of course the green smoothie bowl from the Vegan Bowls for Vegan Souls cookbook. :) Or all kinds of nicecream. In summer, nicecream is my staple food. 

What is your favourite thing about your Coconut Bowls?

I love the uneven shape. It looks so gorgeous on pictures!

We are so excited to have one of your recipes included in our new cookbook ‘Vegan Bowls for Vegan Souls’. Tell us about the recipe you chose and what it means for you to be apart of the book?

I chose to contribute a healthy green smoothie bowl (Green Garden Smoothie Bowl) to inspire people to include more leafy greens into their diet. If only people understood the benefits of eating a good portion of greens every day. And what better way than to "hide“ them in a creamy smoothie bowl?

Thanks Laura! Big love from Coconut Bowls 

Be inspired and follow Laura's journey over at @laurafruitfairy

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