Sophie is the blogger behind the super popular and inspirational Instagram @rawandfree. She's a proud mum with a family of 4 living the plant-based lifestyle. Along with her talent for curating vibrant, healthy and delicious food, Sophie has an incredible story of how her plant-based diet reversed her autoimmune diseaseWe chatted to Sophie about her story, lifestyle, and inspiration.

Happy reading!

When did you start food blogging on Instagram and what inspired you to start?

I started in April last year. I've been on a crazy health journey the last few years and going plant-based was amazing! I was learning so much and wanted to share and hopefully help or inspire others along the way so I created Raw and Free. It's been a super rad journey so far and been amazing to connect with so many beautiful people from around the globe!

You are such a positive advocate for plant-based living. What led you to this lifestyle choice?

Thank you! It kind of all begun about 3 years ago when I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease. When you have a health scare like that it really wakes you up! I read and researched as much as possible and am so thankful I choose a plant-based lifestyle. It has impacted my life in such a positive way and I've honestly never felt better!

That must of been such a difficult time for you and your family! We are so happy to hear that you are now in remission, and as a result of your plant based diet! This is pretty incredible, tell us a bit about this?

It was a pretty crazy experience! Basically, I lived on a 100% alkaline diet for over 5 months, eating only raw and organic fruit and vegetables. This helped to cleanse my body from the built up toxins and repair and regenerate new healthier cells. I had blood tests done the whole way through and towards the end of the 5 months, I had completely normal antibodies! It's truly incredible what the body can do when given love and the right fuel!

We hear you are in the process of creating a website to tell your story. This is so exciting! What can we expect to find on your website and how long off are you from publishing?

Thanks! I can't wait to get it up and running. I have so much to share and hope for it to be an epic space full of info about plant-based living, Auto Immune, detoxing and recipes etc. I've been super busy with Eli and Milo lately and am in NZ for a month but am hoping to have it up by mid year!

You have two very cute little boys! Do they eat plant-based diets also? If so, what is your advice for other parents trying to encourage their kids to eat more plant-based and healthy foods?

Eli and Milo are such little legends! They've been slowly transitioning into a plant-based diet over the last few years. It's been a little challenging for them at times as most of society eats animal products and processed food but they have been amazing and are now on their own journey! My advice would be to take it slowly, lead by example, educate, be prepared at home with loads of fresh fruit and veggies and be consistent in making healthier meals and alternatives to snacks and treats. As time goes on, their taste buds will change and they'll begin to crave less junky foods and hopefully enjoy the beautiful taste of real wholesome foods.

Your Instagram feed is so bright and beautiful! Where do you source all of your fruit and veg from?

I go to the organic farmers market every Sunday morning to get most of my produce. They have the most beautiful fresh fruit and veggies grown by local farmers! I go to the local fruit stores or supermarkets for other bits and pieces during the week and looooove hunting out the dollar bags of super ripe spotty bananas haha! 

If you could live off one dish for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hmmmmmm that’s tricky.. Can I pick two? Haha I live on avocados and bananas so it would definitely have to include one of them! Right now I would prob have to say a really good acai bowl packed with loads of fresh fruit, gluten free granola, hemp seeds and coconut! 

You are lucky enough to live in beautiful sunny Queensland, Australia. What is your favourite thing about living by the beach?

The ocean and it's super fun waves for the fam! We love the beach and have always lived near the ocean in different parts of the world. I don't think I could ever live inland! We go down there pretty much every day, it's such a special place and a huge part of our lifestyle. 

What’s your go-to breakfast?

Smoothies!! I have a smoothie every single morning! I mix it up but lately I've been having banana, organic mixed frozen berries, dates, hemp seeds and water!   

You serve up some pretty amazing dishes in our Coconut Bowls! What is your favourite thing to eat out of your bowls?

Acai!! I looove acai! Or nice cream.. Mango and passionfruit, I think I could live on that stuff!

Being one of our first few customers, you have been super supportive of our little business from the get go, why do you choose to serve a lot your food in Coconut Bowls?

Our coco bowls have become a part of our home haha! I love the earthy vibes they give and the eco-friendly feel. Having lived in Bali myself, I saw how many coconut shells were being dumped in big waste piles so what you're doing is such a rad idea! I love how each bowl is so different and their just a super fun way to serve food in! It's been epic to watch your business grow so rapidly, I think you guys are awesome!

Thanks Sophie! Big love from Coconut Bowls 

Be inspired and follow Sophie's journey over at @rawandfree

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