Stephanie is the blogger behind Vegan, What? A popular blog, Instagram and YouTubechannel. She love to make yummy vegan recipes, fitness videos, and inspire others to live a 'Fan-Vegan-Tastic' life!! We chatted to Stephanie about her recipes, inspiration and blogging...

When did you start food blogging on Instagram and what inspired you to start? I started food blogging on Instagram about 2 years ago. I was looking for a fun way to showcase all the yummy vegan food I was making, and Instagram gave me that creative outlet.


Tell us a bit about your YouTube channel? (What can we find on there, why did you start vlogging, where do you get your video ideas from?) I started my youtube channel shortly after I transitioned to a vegan lifestyle. When I first started my journey, I didn’t see many people that looked like me on youtube, so I decided to share my journey in hopes to inspire others to do the same. On my channel, you can find vegan recipes, restaurant reviews, and more.

How long have you been vegan and what inspired you?

I have been vegan for about 6 years now. My health inspired me to go vegan. I knew that I needed to make a change and I was able to find what I was looking for in Alicia Silverstone’s book The Kind Diet.

What are the biggest challenges and greatest rewards of being a food blogger?

The greatest challenge of being a food blogger is constantly coming up with new recipes. The ideas are always in my head, but it often takes them forever to come to fruition. I think the greatest reward would definitely have to be when people tell me all the health benefits they’ve received by switching to a plant-based lifestyle.

Where do you get your recipe inspiration from?

I usually draw recipe inspiration from whatever I’m craving at the moment. So, if I’m craving chocolate then I’ll think of some nice cream recipe, parfait, or even a cake if I’m really feeling creative.

Your nice-cream creations are mind blowing! What are your tips for getting the right consistency and building such incredible nice-cream mountains? My number one tip for getting the best nice cream consistency is a good food processor. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but make sure that it has really great reviews. Oh, and make sure you freeze your bananas at least 1 day before you blend them.


Your photos are always styled so nicely, what tips and tricks can you share to assist in creating such great images?My tips for creating great images are to invest in a good camera, I use a Canon 5D Mark II, but any good quality DSLR will work fine. If you don’t have a great camera, then make sure you have great lighting. I love to use natural light, so open those windows wide and let in some sunlight.

Any ingredients you can’t stand? Which one can’t you live without? When it comes to my nice cream bowls, I can’t live without powdered peanut butter. I think I use it in just about every recipe and I can’t imagine my nice cream without it. I live for that stuff!

You serve up some pretty amazing dishes in our Coconut Bowls! What has been your favourite so far?

I think my favorite dish in my coconut bowl would have to be the peanut butter banana ice cream I made. It tasted like peanut butter heaven and I scraped up every last bit of it from my coconut bowl with my wooden spoon.


What is your favourite thing about your Coconut Bowls? I love that my coconut bowls are so unique. It’s like having a specially made item that no one else has. Oh, and they’re perfect for filling with banana ice cream. 


Thanks Stephanie! Big love from Coconut Bowls 

Be inspired and follow Stephanie's journey over at @veganwhat

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