Words by Coconut Bowls founder Jake Mckeon

Thank you to everyone who supported World Earth Day 2018. Whether you participated in our #gococoworldearthday initiative, or participated in another way - we are grateful that you care. 

On World Earth Day, we asked you to share with us and the world, why sustainability is important to you. We were blown away by the support for this initiative, and humbled by the passion within our community to support a healthier planet. 
We believe that our coco community have the shared values of health, wellness and sustainability. While health and wellness are the heroes in society, sustainability is often forgotten or thrown in the “too hard” basket. We choose convenience over consciousness at almost every opportunity, I don’t blame us though, because as individuals what difference can we make, right? Wrong! One less plastic bag, bottle, straw, cup, packet is one less single-use plastic that will still be on this earth in 1000 years time. Almost every one-use plastic in this world, can be avoided if we choose not to place convenience at the top of our values. 
When we become conscious of our waste consumption, something magical happens - we become part of something, much bigger than ourselves, and we begin to feel privileged to be given an opportunity to make better choices, and to be proud of the choices we make.
As individuals, we can make a difference, and as a community, we can change the world.
We encourage you to visit the hashtag #gococoworldearthday and take some time to readthe inspiring words from our community! Here are some highlights:
We will be sharing more inspiring words from our community on our Instagram page over the next week, so keep posted!
Five cafes went 'coco' for World Earth Day in Australia and LA, where they replaced 100 of their single-use plastics with reusable coconut bowls for the day to spread awareness for plastic pollution! We had an amazing group of creatives from our coco community come along and capture the day, check out some of their pics!!
Combi- Melbourne/ Byron Bay 



Amazebowls- Brisbane/ Sydney






Amazebowls- LA

Backyard Bowls- LA


Sambazon Cafe- LA



Woohoo! So much fun! Thank you to everyone who came along and supported this initiative, and to the wonderful cafes for partnering with us!

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