Nina Gelbke- Naturally Nina

Nina Gelbke- Naturally Nina

Nina is the blogger behind Naturally Nina. She inspires people to live healthy and happy lives, covering topics from nutrition and fitness to veganism and mental health! We chatted to Nina about coconut bowls, her blog, lifestyle and inspiration.
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Stephanie Williams-Johnson - Vegan, What?

Stephanie Williams-Johnson - Vegan, What?

Stephanie is the blogger behind Vegan, What? A popular blog, Instagram and YouTubechannel. She love to make yummy vegan recipes in her Coconut Bowls, fitness videos, and inspire others to live a 'Fan-Vegan-Tastic' life! ! We chatted to Stephanie about her recipes, inspiration and blogging...
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Big Vegan Market x Coconut Bowls Recap

Big Vegan Market x Coconut Bowls Recap

WOW! What a day. It was such a thrill for Coconut Bowls to be an exhibitor at the first ever vegan market to be hosted in Melbourne’s Royal Exhibition Building. The atmosphere was electric, with visitors hardly containing their excitement as they bounced from stall to stall, munching on delicious plant-based food and having fun with their friends and family!
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Sophie Steevens- Raw and Free

Sophie Steevens- Raw and Free

Sophie is the blogger behind the super popular and inspirational Instagram @rawandfree. She's a proud mum with a family of 4 living the plant-based lifestyle. Along with her talent for curating vibrant, healthy and delicious food, Sophie has an incredible story of how her plant-based diet reversed her autoimmune diseaseWe chatted to Sophie about her story, lifestyle, inspiration and of course Coconut Bowls.
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